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Pages tagged: Nile Wilson

Nile Wilson is gay


I'm following Nile Wilson on Facebook.
He is a british ex-pro gymnast, who is publishing fun gymnastics clips nowadays which I like.

He posted series of photos yesterday, one of which is the one above.

Jokingly I've commented:

How gay is that, 1-10 ?

not knowing at all if the guy is straight or not.
Never had a reason to think otherwise BTW.
It's just the pic that was asking for this comment.

The gay community obviously found my comment offensive, reported it and FB has blocked me just in case:


FB does not know if I'm gay or straight BTW.
If I was a gay my comment would have been totally acceptable and "very sweet", right ?

Nevertheless ..
That is why free speech is important and you have to be in control of your content. And not some wannabe-gays at FaceBook to decide for yourself.

Shall I offend the guy just to get par with the stupid fucks at FB ?

Nah.. Not my thing ..

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