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Remove sponsored adds from your Facebook NewsFeed

Posted: Tue, 01 Dec 2020 16:11:40 +0200
Author: Делян Кръстев

As you have seen your FB NewsFeed is getting full of advertisements which take from your time and are annoying sometimes. These are the adds that are added between your friends' posts. Here's how to get rid of them.

  1. Install AdBlock, Adblock Plus, or uBlock Origin Chrome extensions.

  2. Open the extension options and add the following custom rule:

AdBlock: Customize -> Manually edit your filters
Adblock Plus: Advanced -> My Filter list


FaceBook site gets sluggish with this custom rule in AdBlock. It works better with Adblock Plus.

Here is the non-extended version of the selector:


but it only works in uBlock Origin (tab "My Filters" in the extension options) .

Tested in the desktop version of Chromium based browsers ( Google Chrome, Chromium )

PS: This is a cat and mouse game and FaceBook can change how these are inserted in their page. If so please report in a comment.


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Tags: AdBlock Adblock Plus Adds Advertisements Chromium FaceBook Google Chrome NewsFeed Sponsored uBlock Origin

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